Text Compare Menus


Following is a description of the Text Compare commands, in addition to the common menu items.  Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.  From the Tools menu, select Customize Commands to define your own keyboard shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.  Commands shown below with an asterisk (*) are hidden by default.

The Session menu:


Session Settings

Opens the Text Compare Session Settings dialog.


Swap Sides

Exchanges the left and right files.


Reload Files

Reloads the displayed files, prompting to save first if necessary.


Recompare Files

Recompares the displayed files, preserving edits, but not undoability.


Compare in New View Using

Opens the displayed files in a new session using a different class of file viewer.


Merge in New View pro_only

Opens a new Text Merge session based on the currently loaded files.


Compare Parent Folders in New View

Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the parent folders of the currently loaded files.


Text Compare Report

Produces the Text Compare report.


Text Compare Info

Displays comparison statistics.

The File menu:


Open File

Opens an existing file into the selected pane.


Open Clipboard

Loads the Clipboard contents into the selected pane.


Open With

Opens the selected pane's file in one of the external Open With applications.


Open with Web Browser

Views contents of the selected pane in a web browser window.


Save File

Saves the modified file from the selected pane.


Save File As

Saves the modified file from the selected pane with a new name.



Displays the Windows Explorer context menu for the file in the selected pane.


Check In File pro_onlywin

Appears if a source control provider has been configured and the file is under source control.


Check Out File pro_onlywin



Undo Check Out pro_onlywin


The Edit menu:



Undoes previous action.



Redoes previously undone action.


Align With

Allows you to select one line, and then click on a second line to force them to be side-by-side.



Realigns comparison so that selected lines are by themselves.


Copy to Right [Left] *

Copies selected lines or current section to indicated side.


Copy to Other Side

Copies selected lines or current section to opposite side.


Copy Line to Right [Left] *

Copies current line to indicated side.


Copy Line to Other Side

Copies current line to other side.


Increase Indent

Increases indentation of selected lines.


Decrease Indent

Decreases indentation of selected lines.


Cut / Copy / Paste / Delete

Standard editing commands.


Delete Line *

Deletes the current line.


Delete to Start of Line *

Deletes text from the current position to the beginning of the line.


Delete to End of Line *

Deletes text from the current position to the end of the line.


Delete Word *

Deletes the word at the current position.


Delete to Start of Word *

Deletes from the current position to the beginning of the word.


Delete to End of Word *

Deletes from the current position to the end of the word.


Insert Line Before *

Inserts a new blank line before the current line.


Insert Line After *

Inserts a new blank line after the current line.


Select All

Selects all visible lines in the current pane.


Select Section

Selects all lines in the current section.


Convert File  >

Trim Trailing Whitespace

Strips off spaces and tab characters at end of lines.


Convert File  >

Leading Spaces to Tabs

Replaces spaces at the beginning of lines with the appropriate number of tab characters (based on current tab stop setting).


Convert File  >

Tabs To Spaces

Replaces all tab characters with the appropriate number of space characters (based on current tab stop setting).


Full Edit

Toggles between full character mode editing (enabled) and BC2-like line mode (disabled) in the main file panes.

The Search menu:


Next Difference

Positions at next difference text.


Previous Difference

Positions at previous difference text.


Next Difference Section

Positions at next difference section (contiguous range of lines with differences).


Previous Difference Section

Positions at previous difference section.


Next Difference Files

Opens the parent folder session's next pair of files with differences.  (Child sessions only.)


Previous Difference Files

Opens the parent folder session's previous pair of files with differences.  (Child sessions only.)


Copy File to Left and Open Next Difference

Copies the entire right-side file to the left and opens the folder session's next different files.  (Child sessions only.)


Copy File to Right and Open Next Difference

Copies the entire left-side file to the right and opens the folder session's next different files.  (Child sessions only.)


Next Edit

Positions at the next edited line beyond the cursor.


Previous Edit

Positions at previous edited line before the cursor.



Searches for matching text.



Replaces matching text.


Find Next

Finds next occurrence of search string.


Find Previous

Finds previous occurrence of search string.


Go To

Positions at specified line and column.


Toggle Bookmark

Places a numbered marker on the current line of the comparison, numbered from 0 to 9.


Go To Bookmark

Repositions at the specified bookmark.


Clear Bookmarks

Removes all bookmarks from the comparison.

The View menu:


Show All

Shows all lines, with or without differences.


Show Differences

Shows only lines with differences.


Show Same

Shows only matching lines.


Show None *

Hides all lines.


Show Context

Shows lines surrounding differences.  The number of context lines can be set in Text View Options.


Ignore Unimportant Differences

Treats unimportant differences as same.



Ignore (or un-ignore) differences in selected lines or current section.


Visible Whitespace

Shows or hides visible spaces, tabs.


Line Numbers

Shows or hides line numbers.


Syntax Highlighting

Shows or hides syntax highlighting.


Display Font *

Selects the font to use in editor panes.


Side-by-side Layout

Arranges editor panes side-by-side.


Over-under Layout

Arranges editor panes above and below each other.


Thumbnail View

Shows or hides the thumbnail summary of changes at left of view.


Text Details

Shows or hides the text details panel at bottom of view.


Hex Details

Shows or hides the hexadecimal details panel at bottom of view.



Shows or hides the line details ruler.


File Info

Shows or hides file information panels at the top of editor panes.

* Hidden by default.  Use Tools > Customize Commands to show this command on menus or toolbars.